Agrawal classes (DADAR, no branch! & so is very unique) has excellently excellent professors, they even help u personally in the office about the subject if u have any difficulty.
Even the company of students u get in agru is brilliant.U really feel u have to be better than the other scholars in your class.When u meet ex-Agrawalites (generally from prestigeous institutes like UDCT,VJTI, IITs,GS Medical,etc etc...) u really feel close & discuss about your experiences of the golden days & even imitate profs.( I wonder why dont they have alumni meets!) I completely agree with ''marathe75'' s review on this website saying-''Just a mention of the name brings on wholesale nostalgia !! There’s some kind of special bond between all Agruiites... ’cause the moment you get know that the other chap attended agru’s too, all reservations left behind, you burst into conversation about each others’ experiences with this Prof and imitating some Profs, discussing the best Profs in your batch, and I could go on forever !Call me mad/fanatical/downright maniacal, but Agru’s is, and I restate, is the BESTEST and most FANTASTIC class ! n the worst thing bout agru's is ... u can attend it only for a year!
Now the downers....
Almost every student is compelled to join some or the other test series as the tests are inadequate in quantity & of very high difficulty level (out of HSC syllabus questions r also asked).This also benefits the agru profs monetarily as most of the students join their OWN private tutions/test series (i opted for scholars' test series & would recommend that).Although agru profs set these question papers they dont correct these test papers themselves, other profs correct them.
U can score well in these tests only if your concepts are clear & if u r intelligent (ByTheWay intelligence is not required to score well in the foolish HSC system, which is based on rote-learning.I would suggest that u first UNDERSTAND everything & only then prepare for HSC exam point of view.)
They start late (in April) unlike other classes which start in Dec/Jan.The schedule becomes very hectic.The classrooms are really crowded in the summer vacations. Later on some of them find difficult to cope up while others who r serious IIT-aspirants discontinue.
Remember they are not magicians who can assure u brilliant marks at the HSC but are just catalysts, u have to be active on your part as well.
And if u r a present student of agru, dont forget to attend its annual day function at Shanmukhnanda hall.
I had also gone for last year's function too when I was in HSC, & after attending that I think I had made the right decision to attend it as it was extrememely inspiring,motivating & encouraging.Then I had said to myself that I would be on the stage next year & my parents would be happy to see me there.Unfortunately I got 2 marks less (PCM 292/300) & was not eligible for a prize(only for board toppers in individual subjects or PCM 294+ or merit rankers/MH CET rankers) and even my parents were'nt invited for the function (i.e. I got only 1 invitation card) & my friends of other classes like kalrashukla scoring same marks got Rs.3500!!!!
initially after 10th while selecting classes I didnt want to travel all they way to dadar, & was plannin for sinhal or kalrashukla, but my dad insisted on agru, n I m glad he did !
AND.........the last but not the least, I will always remeber the typical phrases of agru profs (i even mimiced some of them!):----
''Most most most IMBORTANT,tenn star !'' of KADALI (chem);
''Feezix is veeeery intresting !'' & '' The problem is slightly nice'' of KASI(Phy);
''Now tale mee wot iz da day-rivative of zine x cos x !'' of BABU in his zimbly malayali accent;
''Yes..madam..aap ki kya samasya hai?'' & ''Yes..aap kuch kehna chahte hain?'' & ''Krekt (correct) EVERYBDY'' of THITTE (maths)(His lectures were laughing lectures for us);
''My dear FRENDS u have Fayld (failed) to identify the most important compound in the entire organic chemistry '' AND '' Star mark with RAID PAIN(red pen)...similarly on top of the page....write...nnnote'' of KULKARNI;
''Guys samjha kya?'' & ''Move it guys !'' in the indo-american accent of Sumon GHOSH (Phy);
''Mmark eet azh important'' & ''My friend is in form today !'' of VENGSARKAR sir (also called venky/vengaboy !) for maths (3rd in IIT JEE & an ex-Agrawalite himself);
''Aaaar u following?'' & ''Lissen ya (Listen here)'' & ''pliz understand........Acid NAA when treated with alcohol ester......i m ripiting egain(repeating again)'' of Dwivedi For chemistry;
''Ekchulee....ogay..(actually...ok..)'' of GEORGE VERGHESE(Physics);
''Puttt TEEE izikwalto tan x'' of PRASANNA PANDIT for maths (popularly known as PP or even Pappoo, & an ex-Agrawalite himself);Once while discussing the level of agrawal tests he said,''Our papers are tough, unlike HSC papers which even Balbir Pasha can pass!
'' ALL of you'll '' of SUNIL PURSHOTTAM(for maths & again an ex-Agrawalite himself);
''AAR U understanding?...yyess or no?...sure?....chaalo! '' of SIVARAMAN (chem)& his experiences of his job at the pharma company Hoecst.
''Yes gentleman! '' of DEB (chem) & his homework checking !! ;
''Mark maai words'', of ARUN DESHMUKH (chem);
''ABSLOOTLEE wrong please !!'' & ''Horrible answer....what have u learrrrnt?'' of DHIR SINGH for physics (1ST in IIT JEE);
''My prediction, your luck & his wish!''
-''should the ,would the ,must the''
''repeatedly repeated''
''just to justify''
-''KLLLose your SSupplements....RRRRightr now LLLok at the board''
-''U r sso lucky.......u r my students''
in the stylish accent of AWATRAMANI (chem)
He once told us not to break the word together ..............( to/get/her )!!;
Copyright © Sohail Sayani
JOIN AGRAWAL EX-STUDENTS' of batches of 2002-2003 onwards ,yahoo GROUP