Mar 21, 2002 08:53 PM
(Updated Mar 21, 2002 08:53 PM)
Rather To rate the Diffrent News Channels , I would like to Tell you that all these News channels Includint the Worlds best BBc and others are just Surviving due to the Money they Get from MNC's for their Television adds
My recent Study made me how money minded these News channels are and rather to say them ''Politics Minded'' in Pure Indian Language :)
Well As we are all wellknown about the Riots Continuing In Gujrat and its Parts which has taken More than 600 people Lives ( According to All the News Channels ) but as I have my cousin Brother Staying in ahmedabad , he said me all the news channels are giving false news , might be due to political pressure but the actuall people died in these riots are more than thousands and what the news channel show is all the small part of it