Jul 29, 2001 09:22 AM
A.I (Artificial Intelligence) has been one of the most anticipated movies for myself in a long time. I have always been a fan of Stanley Kubrick and when I found out Spielberg was taking over the project I was happy since I knew another Kubrickian type film was on the way. Ever since ''2001 A Space Oddysey'' came out, Kubrick has been redefining cinema with futuristic views on life. It is clear to see where his influence came into play as futuristic ideas were well defined and put into great detail in this film. Kubrick I sometimes say is the Nostrodamus of filmmaking. But unfortunately after seeing the film I was a bit dissapointed in the fact that I feel Spielberg didn't do the movie justice and seemed to rush through many ideas and try to cram as much as he could into the 2 1/2 hour movie. He should have put more focus on one particular area. I will always wonder how the film would have come out if Kubrick had written it himself.
The direction of the film was great when it comes to camera angles but in storyline, it could have done better. Nevertheless, most of that is saved by the great acting of Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law. Osment keeps amazing me in what he does. Even though the writing and script were not perfect, he played his character to perfection. Not only does he act it out well but if you look closely you will see that he never blinks in the whole film! To say your lines and act out things so perfectly is even harder when you can't even blink. His performance made the film even better. Also to note is the great visual effects that pull you into the movie and make you believe this is what the future really looks like. When all is said and done, movies can be considered good if they make you think and reflect.The film called into question your own emotions and perceptions of life...what is life? Should it be made artificially? How to we define alive? love? human?....it honestly made you think. It spawned conversations, like all good movies do.