I used this book for the quick revision of formulas of mechanical engineering. Basically its a handbook consist only formulas of mechanical engineering subject. I have to point out pros and cons of using this book.
First of all pros of book
1 - Basically contain all formula of main subjects of mechanical engineering. Useful if you know how and where these formula to implement.
2 - Synchronised all the formula according to the subject and understanding of the subject. Easy to find formula while just before the exam.
3 - Reduces the burden of student to make the short notes. Saving time if someone doesn't want to make their own short note.
4 - Important formula of the mechanical engineering are given properly. Some exam which asks direct formula based question make this handbook valuable.
In a short time you can prepare by go through formula easily.
1- Now syllabus of mechanical engineering has been change according to Gate , IES and psu. New subject are introduced like Mechatronics, Renewable Energy etc.
It needed to be changed according to the change in the syllabus.
2- Its useful only if you practice the formula many times and use this book only when you forgot the formula and don't want to open their notes.
I recommend this book for revision in a short time but not for all time.