Jul 23, 2015 05:56 PM
Since last few weeks, a program by name 'Ram Rajya' is shown on ABP News TV channel. It focuses on different issues of society and shows the life of a country wherein a particular aspect appears to be ideal.
In my perception, A complete Ram Rajya can prevail in a nation.
If every one has a roof on his or her head to live in, if every one has earnings to feed his or her family, where there are no illiterate people absolutely, where people live in a clean and healthy environment, where politicians do not do corruption, rather do development works for the people.
Where every one gets a medical treatment whenever and wherever he or she might be, where every consumable is a national product and not an imported one, where there is no hatred in anyone for any other, whee everybody respects every other person, where nobody does harm to anybody and rather helps the other, where religion is the humanity rather than any thing else and where people rise in the morning with a hope for a better day and never complain against life.