Dec 14, 2003 07:02 PM
(Updated Dec 14, 2003 07:04 PM)
MouthShut Official Cares
MouthShut Official is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
My letter to the editor of the publication is reproduced here.
Dear Mr. Vinod Mehta,
Having read an article written by your Mr. Vijaya Pastala in your guide `Outlook traveler gateways` Weekend breaks from Mumbai on Uran as a holiday destination, we packed our bags undertook the journey. We were shocked to have seen the destination and the recommended hotel `Hotel uran Plaza`.
Your writer has given the place a glowing tribute. The article says Goa can wait. Have you been to the place? Has your writer been to the place? Have you bothered to verify your recommendations? We trusted the reputation of Outlook Publication blindly and were taken for a dirty ride. The beach adjacent to the hotel is narrow and polluted beyond recognition. The sand is sooty and black. The sea is so polluted that with your bare eyes you can see that it is the most polluted beach on this side of the state. The entire area has heavy industry and a tall petrochemical chimney visible from the hotel is spewing burning gases. The food smells as if it was improperly handled.
Do you care for your readers?
How in the world you could even remotely compare this dark and polluted beach and sea to Goa. The place is unfit even to pass a day.
We wasted the day and our fuel. Pl. make good our loss/ furnish a written apology which is due to us.
Has integrity vanished from our country?
Zafar Khan
CEO. Atlantis Communication Strategist
2071 B, Oberoi Est. Garden. Chandivalli Rd. Mumbai 72.