Aug 04, 2006 02:59 PM
Internet Banking How Much Is Your Money safe*A Live Demonstration On INDYA NEWS Channel dated on 3-08-2006
Kalpesh Sharma a 10th Std Pass Peson Show the Live Demonstration on Net banking and Its Loopholes. He Proved no bank is safe for your money. and he challange to all Bank that he can hack any bank site because of their loopholes.
First He reserve a airticket on and payment had done by hacked the site of IDBI Bank.
Second He Purchase a Raincoat from Rediffshoping and payment had done by hacked the site of Fedral Bank.
From Both Place He recived the Feddback that ur payment is done and we will delivere it within 3 days..
and for Discussion it there was Mr. Dhrender Kumar ( Stock Excange Expert) andPawan Duggal(IT act Expert)
and they Feel Shock when they see this. Dhrender Told I am Very Shockd to See It. Now our Money is not Safe. and we could not take physical risk to keep Money itself. to avoid this we are using Net Banking. But there is Big Loopholes In banking System..
Mr Pawan Duggal told all act, section by a people who lost his money can claim Upto 1 Crore rs. But You have to prove it, and you can't help from Consumer Court.
After That Mr. Sharma Hacked the Site the biggest safe Site of trading i.e and transfer 100 rs into Union Bank. Indiabulls site shows the balance id reducted.
For discussion on this Mr Gagan Banga (President of Indiabulls)called . But he was not accept it . He fully Denied Its't Possible. But when Mr. Sharma challenge him that give me permission to prove It . Once Mr. Gagan Feel Nervous because by this they can loose the confidence of people. But at last he accepts th Challange and told to Mr. Sharma that he can come in his office and My Account. I will give you permission but I can't Give permission for other Account. this shows Mr. Gaganhave doubt about His Site of Indiabulls .com also..
For Further Discussion Mr.Sakeel Ahmad( IT Minister India)was came and he told that he is not a technical person but he will do well for People of India with his technical team..
Through This review I want to Tell the people their Money is not safe. So confirm that "Koi aapka paisa to nahi nikal Raha"
Jai Soni