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Warren Buffett
Jun 10, 2007 04:59 PM 3118 Views
(Updated Feb 17, 2009 10:41 AM)



How many animals on this earth know about Warren Buffett. Thisquestion was intentional because, I think most of the two leggedanimals know him. Its only those uneducated:) four legged ones who havemissed this opportunity.

So let me start with, tellingsomething about Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett is one of the most successfulinvestor till date. Warren Buffett is the third richest person on this planet. Warren Buffettis the largest shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. BerkshireHathaway is a holding company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Regarding the book, its just perfect. The size of the book is quiteattractive considering the amount of experience of Warren Buffett. Still notable to believe how the author has compressed this text. Full creditsto the author. The English is pretty nice, easily understandable. The fontsize is legible. The book is divided into 24 small chapters. Eachchapter consisting of around 10-15 pages. No hard work is required inreading this book. Also the concepts given can be grasped by anyone.Its not at all technical, still it gives the essence of Warren Buffett'sinvestment strategies.

The author’s hard work is reallycreditable. It must have taken him a lot of time to compile this stuffin such a spic and spine fashion. The 24 chapters are nothing but 24mantras on investing. I think its not from Warren Buffett's mouth, but theauthors analysis on Warren Buffett's thoughts.

James(the author)speaks about what all factors you have to consider before investing ina company. Whether you should be paranoid or complacent. What alltypes of analysis is required to be done at the time of investing? How to decidewhich company to invest in. Also the sector or the vertical you investin, is important. So if we as share holders take so much pain to investin a company, it is the duty of the company to take care of us. Beforemaking any decisions they must first consider the share holders.

Warren Buffett normally do not invest in more than 10 companies orso. But the value of shares he purchases, over a period of time or at atime, goesinto billions. Before taking this decision Warren Buffett do a thoroughstudy ofthat company. Warren Buffett reads every article, report and for thatmatter any thing available on a particular company before he decidesto invest in that company. If Warren Buffett have faith in thatbusiness and its board, only then Warren Buffett purchase the stocks. Warren Buffett believesthat you should not blindly follow the herd. It should be calculative.Also most ofthese quantitative calculations should be yours. It should not beinfluenced by any analyst. It should not be a guess but a informed judgment.

The best part is every chapter ends with 4-5 keypoints, which are summarized from that chapter. The naming of eachchapter tells us the story. Many practical examples are also given toprove the points.

I think I should stop here, insist youguys to go ahead and read this simple yet powerful book. Because then Imay probably rewrite the whole book here itself.



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