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Tips To Help You Cope With Stress, Anxiety and Dep
Oct 26, 2001 07:21 PM 3184 Views

I have Maniac Depression with Narcosis Rages and I deal with anxiety, anger, and depression on a daily basis.  It is a struggle for me each day to be positive and happy.  I do not deal with stress as I allow NOTHING in my life that would cause stress.  If something is going to happen it is going to happen and I cannot control that so I do not worry about it.  If you do not worry about anything and everything then you have no stress.  I have learned many ways of helping me deal with everyday life and this article is about that.  I hope if you deal with stress, anxiety or depression that these tips will help you.

  1. Recognize you are feeling stressed and anxious and then admit it.

  2. Be aware of your bodies symptoms, do not let them scare you but tell you what is wrong.

  3. Try to figure out exactly what is causing you to feel anxious.  If you cannot figure out what is causing you to feel anxious, then let it go and move on.

  4. Let yourself feel anxious about what ever the problem is, it is okay to feel anxious.  But remember how much anxiety is too much?

  5. If you do not know what is causing you to feel stressed or anxious, can you eliminate or minimize the problem in someone so you do not feel so stressed or anxious.

  6. Learn different ways of reacting to the problem so it does not affect you as bad as it does.  This is a very important step.

  7. Listen to your self.  Listen to what you are saying within yourself.  Are you full of negative thoughts about the problem?  If you are, find ways that you can say positive or comforting thoughts to yourself.

  8. Listen to what others are saying around you.Are they being negative with their thoughts and action? If they are find ways to help yourself deal with their negative attitude.  Do not drag yourself down to their level?  People who are negative and constantly complain have low self-esteem.

  9. Are you telling yourself lots of should haves? Are you hopes to high? If they are try eliminate some of them.

  10. Do you blame someone else for your anxieties, sadness, poor health, lack of success, or whatever the problem is?  Then learn how you can take responsibility for yourself and make positive changes in your own life.

  11. Learn to give oneself positive reinforcement for even the small accomplishments you make in your life.

  12. If you are depressed it is NOTHING to be ASHAMED of.  You are not weak, mentally ill, or doomed to a life of sadness and despair.  It can be treated and recovery from anxiety and depressions no matter how severe is a process.  It just takes time and practice and the wiliness to change to better oneself.

  13. Find someone you can discuss your problems with.  A family member, preacher, or physician.  They can give valuable perspective.

  14. If your depression is severe and last longer then normal then it is time to seek professional help.  Depression if not cured can lead to various illness and even suicide.

  15. Angry is not good and does not help any situation.  Think before you speak or respond.  What results do you REALLY want from this situation?  Is the angry over something you really have no control over?  In 99% of the situations we do have control over the situation, we just do not know how to react.

  16. Find ways to relax.  Meditation, yoga, prayer, or a guided imagery.  Daily relaxation is positive not negative and something you should make as a part of your daily life.

  17. Exercise is very important for people who have depression or anxieties.  Consult with your doctor for the proper exercise for you.

  18. Take a break from life.  A simple change in routine can give new light to the situation.

  19. Treat oneself with love and respect.  Watch not only what you say and think but the images they portray.  Are you scaring yourself with negative words, thoughts or images?

  20. Practice positive self loving words, thoughts and images.  Think of oneself in a place that makes you feel loved.  I firmly believe in this and often think of myself at the ocean, with the warm breeze of the ocean on my body, the smell of the ocean, and the dolphins playing in the water with me.  This image makes me feel safe and loved but your image can be anything.  I have a friend who sees herself in her mother’s womb and it brings her peace.

  21. Stay busy.  When you are busy either at work and play your life is balanced.  Just remember the key is to balance work and play so they are equal.  Work creates stress, play releases the stress, and so it is important to balance the two.

  22. Finally and most importantly to recover from stress, anxiety, and depression it involves a full life style approach.  You have to change your thoughts, words, actions and attitude so it is positive not negative.  You must learn to think happy thoughts, speak  happy words, your actions and attitude must not show angry and sadness but happiness.

I do not read the newspaper or watch the news it is only makes me depress.  If it is something that I should know George will tell me about it.  How many articles in your paper or stories on the news today you read or heard told about a child being molested, beaten, abused, or murder?  This depresses me and our local paper covers these stories a lot.  They show people in pain from a situation they have no control over.  I do not want pictures of people in my face showing them grieving for a loved one.  Just today they showed a picture in the paper of a widow and her 13 and 7 year old son grieving for their father, a sheriff who died in a helicopter crash.  Did they have to show that? No that is a private matter but they do.  So when I changed my life I stopped watching TV news and reading the newspaper.  I may not be up to date on current events but I am HAPPY and that is what matters to me.  I eliminated a few friends as they were negative and I did not want to be dragged down when I was climbing up.  You will have some easy changes to make and some more dramatic changes.  But you can do it and should do it to make yourself a happy and well balance person.

Penny Laney

Copyright@ Friday, October 26, 2001

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