Mar 29, 2017 06:45 AM
Fights Tartar and Plaque;
Fights Germs and Bacteria;
Effective Protection Against Cavities;
Gingival Protection;
Fights Tooth Decay;
Removes Malodour.
This Darbur Meswak Toothpaste claims the above benefits. If you have used Crest/Colgate/Aim and all of the other mass market products that often contain fluoride, you will notice a huge difference in the way that your mouth does not tingle and does not feel minty upon brushing your teeth.
This cannot be an indication of how effective this toothpaste is in fulfilling the referenced claims. When I brush my teeth with this toothpaste definitely that film that often sits on the teeth when they haven't been brushed is removed thoroughly. I appreciate the pricing point of this toothpaste and prefer to use it in combination with dental floss and a liquid mouthwash.