Jan 07, 2005 04:11 PM
(Updated Jan 07, 2005 04:11 PM)
Aim: To make a decent children’s film in India.
Ingredients: The current children/adolescent heart throbs.
Some good actors. (Especially the girl in Shaka Laka Boom Boom and Des Mein..)
Actors already related to the children’s film industry. (Satish Kaushik,
Anupam Kher, Archana Puran Singh.)
Some marvelous special effect guys and gals, and a rocking FX program.
Inspiration from the latest children’s movies working abroad. (Oops!)
A entertaining storyline.
Procedure: Take the story line and blend it with Indian values and masala. Attach the
Special effects at requisite places, and basically have a ball.
Result: A very entertaining and refreshing movie for all age groups.
Well, for all those who thought that India could never ever come out with a totally tech movie, they have been proved wrong.
J2M2 is still fresh in our minds, when these people bring out a 3D+ movie. (Please don’t ask me what the + is for, I think that it is basically only a 3D movie, but then who knows..)
Well, the movie has almost realistic acting by the children, who have seen enough of the arc lights thanks to Star and UTV, the senior actors have a ball of a time in the children’s movie, who wouldn’t if you tell them to wear a costume and act as a magician?
And the movie IS really a graphic designer and animator’s delight. I mean, these people have kept no holds barred for graphics, objects, and basically a preview into the computer world.
This movie heralds the introduction of I think the first fully animated motion movie character in Indian History.
This movie also heralds the tiny foot steps of the Indian Animation Industry into the international animation industry.
The plot is something like this:
There is a magician who starts a magic school. He is enemies with a witch, the witch traps the magician into a spell.
On Earth, there is another magician, who is trapped by this evil witch during a magical show, and he is known to be a failure and a con man. (Well, basically, he is kidnapped by her while he is trying to do a Houdini.)
He of course, has a son, who has a dream of proving the world wrong, and therefore, proving that is dad wasn’t a cheat.
This son gets a chance of a life time, when he wins the chance to study at the school of magic, Abra Ka Dabra. (Uh Oh!)
And this is where he finds that the evil witch has trapped his father, and he fights all evils to rescue his father.
Well, there is a flying blanket sequence, (Uh Oh!) and there is even a dragon and all such.
What is refreshing about this movie is that at last, finally, we have been able to almost 60% demolish the thin line that surrounds any animated character that comes on the Movie screen.
And rest assured, the computer graphics aren’t there for just some ten minutes in a two and a half hour movie, (two hours and fifteen minutes, precisely.), but there are fully animated characters too!
So, if your children are sulking and saying that they are neglected, take them to this movie.
It’s a hell of a ride.