Mar 17, 2001 09:15 AM
7-Up is a soft drink I choose second to Coke. You can find it in the stores located with the other Pepsi brand products.
7-Up comes in 12 ounces, liter bottles, 2 liter bottles, 12 and 48 packs for cans as well as 6 packs of cans and bottles.
The bottles are green, with the clear carbonated liquid visible.
I love the crisp clear lemon-lime taste of 7-Up. The only thing I don't like about this product is the fact that if you drink too much too fast you will have a very bad case of 'the burps'.
You can buy Cherry 7-Up, Diet Cherry 7-Up, 7-Up, and Diet 7-Up. The diet versions are not too bad, leaving a mild aftertaste in your mouth. I can't drink a lot of the Cherry 7-Up, but it's nice for a change. My girls like the pretty pink color to the Cherry 7-Up.
Years ago when we would go to the cabin in Wisconsin they sold 7-Up Gold, which was excellent! We would drive the hour just to get a few 12 packs of that and bring it back to Minnesota. I felt it had a cinnamon taste to it, my husband thought it was along the lines of ginger ale.
I prefer 7-Up to the sickly sweet similar Coke product, Sprite.
The most popular commercials I recall from the past for 7-Up were when they toted it as the ''Uncola'' and showed it with the Coke glass upside down.
7-Up is a common soda used in mixed drinks.
When sick some room temperature 7-Up that has gone a wee bit flat goes down nice with soda crackers and helps settle the stomach.
If you have a flower delivery put in about half a can of 7-Up in with the water to help the flowers stay fresher longer.
Bottom line, I recommend 7-Up for your drinking and entertaining needs. The crisp taste goes down well, but be careful you don't get the burps!