Nov 23, 2005 06:30 PM
(Updated Nov 23, 2005 06:30 PM)
Actually I’m late on writing this, but it’s better to be late than never. Date was 20 Sep 2005. It was my Girlfriends Birthday and I was looking for some great Bengali Restaurant to please her, (as she’s Bengali). I have very little taste for Bengali food, so I was seeking advice from my friends, Then one of my friends suggested this name “6 BALLYGUNGE PLACE”. Restaurant is located in Posh and Calm Street of Indiranagar above Café Coffee Day. Moment we entered this place, decoration and interiors took us both through streets of kolkata. Reception was decorated with street pictures of kolkata, and lights were not too bright. Place was not crowded as it was weekday, but as the time passed people start gathering. We ordered for Cream of chicken (soup), and in main course we ordered : Mrs. Stellaas Chicken curry. Pratha. Kasha Mangsho. Kaju Kismis Pulao. Jhur Jhure Aloo Bhaja. Taste and presentation of food was fabulous, Each and every item was prepared in typical Bengali style.
Tough not being from Bengali background I love that food very much. Taste and satisfaction of food can easily be seen in my Girl friend’s eye which added to my pleasure. Later shop steward informed us that all food item and spices are exclusively brought from Kolkata, it can be easily judged by seeing ‘Patil’ lemon in my plate, which can only be found in Bengal.
Hospitality and service I rate as 5/5, they served us with plate of sandesh (sweet) as they came to knew about B’day. Best part was bill, after eating so many different items bill was only Rs 600/-. I would recommend this restaurant even if you are not Bengali do visit this place, And if you find problem reading Menu just ask for best available preparation. Place : 6 BALLYGUNGE PLACE. Address : #612, 12th Main, Indiranagar Bangalore 38. Landmark : Above Café Coffee Day (12th main). Happy Eating.