Aug 19, 2002 07:47 PM
(Updated Aug 20, 2002 05:01 PM)
This is a MIND BOGLING Comedy folks. If you are a Regular viewer, You'll know what I am talking about. I am not Exaggerating when I say that '' nest time you'll see the actors in some other Show, you'll laugh just by lookin at them'' They are Soooooo PHUNNY ! ask me what is the Plot ? what the hell it is bases on ? RELAX I am telling that.....
Its about four aliens....yeah ! CHILL..Its not Like the HOLLYWOOD flick ''ALIENS'' ...They are in human skin. They look like least try to look like us....and its it...this is all about their process of learning HUMANS.
But thay do not want to be discoverd...SO funny are have to watch laugh ur lungs out..and Believe every word I just said.
So What I Like about this Show is the wit of the actors. They can make you laugh even when they are crying. All of the episodes have a ''PONT TO PONDER'' about how we humans are living. So Its all about watching this world from the eyes of the ALIENS.
You can laugh at when they are on Dates, Dinners, Parties and In OFFICE,trying to get in a Relationship. Watch them learning bout SEX and Laugh out ur day's STRESS.
E N J O Y !