Sep 24, 2018 03:18 PM
This site sells products you can easily get on any Medical Store without any Prescription, Generally Idea of Prescription Only medicines was introduced in order to reduce Sedatives & Deadly Chemicals, Not all medicines are habit forming and sedatives.
Reason #1 - Does not give you a fair price at all, It's always higher, Always!
Reason #2 - This site Requires Prescription for iBuprofen or Paracetamol, Meaning you must have a Prescription for Basic Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Medicines.
Reason #3 - This Web-site does not Recognize Prescriptions made by your Doctors, Like the prescriptions in India most Doctors write, They don't accept it, You need to have Scanned Copy of Printed Invoice Along with Doctor's Clinic Registration, Which is worst, Nobody wants this Mess for just pain medication.
Reason #4 - This website sells products easily which are Herbal and Does not work at all.
Reason #5 - Late Delivery, High Prices Shipping and Poor CS.