May 02, 2002 06:49 PM
(Updated Oct 09, 2002 02:09 PM)
Is immunization really necessary? I am not a medical practitioner, so perhaps I am not qualified to give an opinion on this matter. But since one cannot expect doctors to come out openly against a practice that benefits them, it is left to us non-medicos to expose how the medical profession is taking billions of people by ride by insisting on compulsory immunizations.
Let me present some of the suppressed facts about the ill effects of vaccinations:
1.Many vaccines contain toxic mercury in the form of thimerosol. Children are susceptible to adverse reactions due to the number of mandated immunizations containing this substance
The number of children and young people who have developed autism has soared since the introduction of the MMR(mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine, a survey has shown. The figures from Britain and the US have exposed a massive increase in autism since 1988 - the year the MMR vaccine was introduced. Other scientific research reveals that the measles virus is found in 24 out of 25 children who developed autism after a healthy infancy. Many children only became autistic after they were given the vaccine as teenagers. In Yorkshire, England, the number of autistic children has increased 22 times since the vaccine was introduced. In Surrey, one in 69 three-year-olds are developing autism when it should be one in several thousands. And in the Shetland Isles and the Western Isles of Scotland there are no children with autism born before 1988. In Japan, the MMR vaccine has been banned and some UK doctors are refusing to give it, saying that it is safer for the child to have the disease than it is to risk the vaccine.
Every year several thousands of people, mostly children are killed or permanently damaged due to the ill effects of vaccines. The US govt has a secret computer database filled with name of several thousands of disabled and dead babies, children who were healthy prior to receiving vaccines. In 1986, US govt acknowledged the risk by passing an act The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act(Public Law 99-660) that requires that doctors report cases of vaccine death and damage. However the FDA recently admitted that 90 percent of doctors do not report vaccine reactions. Since every year about 12000-14000 reports of adverse reactions are filed under the act, this would suggest that the actual number of children affected might be about 140000. But even this figure is conservative according to former head of FDA Dr. David Kessler who says that only 1 percent of serious cases are reported by doctors to FDA, which means that millions of people are adversely affected by mandatory vaccines. * *(This page also gives a detailed description of how vaccines are prepared using toxic bacteria and live viruses)
Vaccinations are also responsible for Crib deaths which were very infrequent in the pre-immunization era. But after 1950’s with the spread of mass vaccinations, the number of such deaths rose rapidly, so much that it was given a new name'sudden infant death of unknown origin'(SIDS) According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association - babies die at a rate eight times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT shot . According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths.
Millions of people are being manipulated into vaccinating their children by false claims made by the medical profession. Several studies have shown that vaccines are ineffective in protecting us from contracting the diseases that they are meant to offset.
Many of you will argue that vaccinations have resulted in eradication of dreaded diseases like small pox, polio etc. True, but what is often missed is the fact that the twentieth century saw introduction of newer diseases and health problems like Blood pressure, heart problems, AIDS, Diabetes etc. The whole system works like the TV repairman who comes to your house to repair your TV Set, repairs the affected part but at the same time messes up some other part to ensure regular dependence on him.
Guylaine Lanctot, M.D who was previously a registered practitioner has done a brilliant expose on the medical profession in her book Medical Mafia. For daring to speak the truth and exposing the corruption of the profession, her license to practice was withdrawn. In this book she speaks about how vaccination industry is a fuelled by billions of dollars in profits. According to her vaccination stimulates the immune system, but repeated, vaccination exhausts it. It gives a false sense of security and, in doing so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses. Notably, to those related to AIDS, which can only develop on ripe ground, where the immune system has been disturbed. It causes AIDS to explode. It ensures that the illness flourishes perpetually. Vaccination encourages medical dependence and reinforces belief in the inefficiency of the body. It creates people who need permanent assistance. It replaces the confidence one has in oneself with a blind confidence in others, outside ourselves.
The dark, hidden agenda of the ruling class was exposed when Robert McNamara, the former President of the World Bank(The fountainhead of all evil), former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, made some very interesting remarks. As reported by a French publication, 'j'ai tout compris', he was quoted as stating: 'One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness.'
What are the alternatives to Immunization?
I personally feel that a good diet consisting of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits, avoidance of all processed food, and regular intake of herbs like garlic, ginger is the best insurance against all diseases. But since we live in times where we are not in control of our environment and are susceptible to pollution, electro-magnetic radiation etc, we need some protection. There are homeopathic alternatives to vaccinations. For more details visit:
The entire allopathic medical profession is one big sham, designed to keep people in poor health and to improve the financial health of Pharma companies and Doctors. All allopathic medicines are toxic in nature and have side-effects, which sometimes are even worse than the diseases they are meant to cure. While the ancient systems of healing like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Pranic Healing, Reiki are holistic in nature and aim at prevention of diseases, the modern allopathic system is costly and designed to put people in a viscous trap of ill health. Instead of promoting health, most drugs like antibiotics damage the immunity system, leaving the body vulnerable to diseases. Avoid all drugs by Pharma companies as much as possible, and when stricken by disease first choose alternate medicine systems.