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Kingfisher Strong Reviews

No. 1 strong
Dec 01, 2020 09:05 PM 3229 Views (via Mobile)

Its very testy and too strong but many other like tuborg that is also strong but test is like hell, my fevorite part is only test. And another thing its very easy to carry anywhere because kingfisher available bottle as well as small size cane also . Really good quality.

Thank you.

omeralazeezMouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore, Karnataka, India India
Jan 16, 2019 09:28 PM 6348 Views (via iOS App)

Very strong effect who are initial drinkers. Don’t have more than once it will shut you. The packaging also not satisfied. so guys I recommend you not to order this product Kingfisher Strong unless you are ocassional drinker. it will completly shut you off. very strong effective beverage I have in my life.

nikhilgupta7375MouthShut Verified Member
Alwar Rajasthan India
Harmful effect of our health should avoid
Jan 10, 2018 06:21 PM 6668 Views (via iOS App)

Hello friends today I have share my experience about this kingfisher strong and other beer and vines I was not drink and I was give advice you can not drink the alcohol it can directly effect our health I was not drink and this kingbeer strong was very bad beer in rating like I was saw the rating capacity was very low very bad taste my friends telling about this beer and not giving strength was very dangerous and I just suggested you cannot drink the alcohol was keep out away the youth generation also


Kingfisher Strong
Worst taste
Jan 10, 2018 06:02 PM 6545 Views (via Android App)

I am preffer beer at all the time when we drink. Kingfisher strong is not too strong as I want its taste is too dark and it doesnt feel good while drinking and it can affected on body immidiatly but not that much I required. This beer doesnt have strength and taste. Its taste is longer in mouth after drink and its smell is very strong it doesnt feel good.

After all everyone have choice I do not recommended you to taste this other products are great in this price range.

Jul 24, 2017 11:20 PM 5501 Views (via Android App)

I'm a true lover of kingfisher strong beer.I prefer to drink kf strong everytime when I want to drink.It is very refreshing and makes me feel stress free.compared to budwizer, carlsberg kf strong is the king of all the beers.Taste is little bitter but kick is more than better.

Drinking moderately is most important.strength of beer is really great and awesome.Kingfisher strength is more than other beers available in the market.carlsberg comes with more milli litres of beer and price than kf strong but kf strong has more strength.If u are a beginner alcoholic  then prefer kf lite or kf ultra.

sushantmech384MouthShut Verified Member
pune India
Rechargeable drink kingfisher strong
Jul 13, 2017 11:27 PM 5461 Views

I think kingfisher is a taste bear and I am regular customer of kingfisher strong, i have been using for the past several years. kingfisher is a taste bear but previous 12 to 18 month this taste is something change. kingfishar brands are  provide different types of bear but king fisher strong are some hard and testy.

We all know bear contain 8%  alcohol and kingfisher is also contain same% of alcohol. but this bear is testy low coast bear.different types of bear selling in the market but kingfisher strong is old is gold test.

Shanky7754MouthShut Verified Member
Hubli India
Useless drink
Jun 28, 2017 11:59 PM 5291 Views (via Mobile)

Kingfisher strong has a very bad taste and feels very uncomfortable after consuming it.

It gives a long hangover when u wake up after a sleep.Kingfisher might be the best selling beer in India, but it’s surely not for you- if you are a beer connoisseur and looking for a good quality beer.

I could see glycerin floating in Kingfisher beer on a broad day light. If you wanna check it by yourself: Put it in a silver glass, turn of the room light, and glow the light(torch) from above.

I advice not choose kf strong.

kettanmMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Worst Beer.
Mar 20, 2016 10:13 AM 14315 Views (via Android App)

I am a beer lover and I surely know a thing or two about the quality of beer.

last week I had been to a friends celebration where they had only kingfisher strong beer. I had it and immediately guaged that it is the worst quality. It is cheap. I usually dont have problems with beer however after having jus three mugs I felt really weird. Firstly I wasnt enjoying the taste and to top that the brew of this KF strong is pathetic! Many of my other friends also complained of hangover and headache after a few hours.

They use cheap ingredients in preparing this one. They may even be mixing something weird in it to make it what it is. Talking about the strong part. It aint strong at all. the haywards 5000 is way better than this KF strong.

Kf has other beers which are decent but the kf strong is a big nono. I will not touch it again. I suggest no one should. There are better choices available in the market. Do not buy this kf strong.

RameespltMouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore India
Beer is not good for health
Feb 16, 2016 05:14 PM 13299 Views

Beer is an alcoholic beverage believed by many to be the oldest fermented drink. It is made by blending cereal grains like barley or other starchy sources like millet or corn with water and then fermenting the mixture with the use of brewer’s yeast.

Many occasions beers are served in large quantities. Kingfisher beer says its extra strong on the bottle. It contains 6% of alcohol. Alcohol consumption has long been linked to weight gain. Beer, in particular, takes most of the flak hence the term “beer belly” which refers to the infamous paunch often sported by regular consumers of the beverage. While intake may lead to weight gain in general, it is often associated with beer drinkers and the reason for this may be the drink’s popularity.  Idividuals who have chronic gastrointestinal disorders are advised against consumption of the beverage as it is associated with irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain and dyspepsia.

So its better to avoid such extra strong beers.

apps127MouthShut Verified Member
Jhunjhunu India
Real Taste of Strong Beer
Jan 17, 2016 02:48 PM 9629 Views

Kingfisher Beer launched approx 4 decades ago. It comes in 8 variants but I like Kingfisher Strong mostly because of its strong taste which gives a strong beer's feel.

Kingfisher is easily available at beer stores at a good price. If we will compare Kingfisher Beer with another beers which is available in market, it is available with very less price because of its an Indian brand and it's taste is also different among all of them.

Wonderful evening with friend and beer
Oct 07, 2015 01:53 AM 11385 Views

India's most famous and widely available all over India in all wine shops/ bars and restaurant.I still remember that day when I drank for the first time and my friend dinesh who forced me to drink.

But after that around 2 yrs I didn't drink as I was afraid.When one of my friend who mate me suddenly after a very long time and when I came to know that he drinks beer, at that point of time I couldn't stop myself.

That day we both sat together and had a drink.

Have a good time with Kingfisher strong
Jul 16, 2015 06:52 PM 17261 Views

This is the first beer I had in my life. I still remember that I mixed water in to make it lighter as I was afraid that my parents would come to know.

The person who forced me to uncle.he was an alcoholic.and sadly he is dead today because of multi organ failure. So before I tell you to drink or how good it is make sure that you are not drinking too much because alcohol is not good for health.

As far as beers are concerned there are lot of beers nowadays available in the market. I will review them also. But, this one is consistent and most favorite among Indians. The taste is little sore and it is actually strong. If you drink more than two big bottles it is very likely that you might loose your control. So, drink in limits. In limits beer is good for health but not necessary. Kingfisher strong is highly addictive. Have some salty snacks for better result. Also, it is very affordable. Enjoy!

StoneReviewMouthShut Verified Member
Cochin India
Go with Chilled One
Jun 23, 2015 07:13 AM 16942 Views

Serving since 1999, On of the popular beers in India. Must buy only chilled cans, Smells like corn. taste like malts/corns.

Light and smooth drinking experience. After 2/4 sips I feel thin and refreshing. Now like an regular ordinary beer for me.

On first time I used and its taste is oke and but after regular use taste like incredibly sweet. Almost in every wine shops/tourist restaurants/bar will get any of Kingfisher product will available. Sometimes we mix Kingfisher Strong with energy drinkers, in special occasions.

chefbbMouthShut Verified Member
bangalore India
King of good times
May 24, 2015 07:30 PM 16716 Views

This label doesn't mean that in the bad time you can't drink it. Its always bangalore made by united brewries. Strong is always good if you are in a party mood. you need energy to party, dance, sing and rave. But if you are in a relaxing mood you can go for the premium. Before this flavour always I use to drink budwiser magnum. As per the indian taste its a good beer.

Kingfisher strong is highest selling beer in india. stron is some what bitter if you compare it with premium so need extra chilling. If you are a cold porn person please don't go for strong. It is always healthy walk for some time after having your beer. Specially for party time it's really good. you can drink it in every party.

The King of Good Times
May 18, 2015 03:11 PM 17091 Views

India's most famous and widely available all over India in all wine shops/ bars and restaurant. The beer is a light tasting, easy drinking beer with plenty of malt. I have friends from Netherlands and U.S who only drink Kingfisher beers when they come down to India.

For them it goes down really well and they love the smoothness of it. With 8% alcohol, it has more flavor than the regular Kingfisher product like Premium/Ultra /Blue/Mild, which has I guess 4.8% of alcohol in it.  We have other good beer products in India, but still most of them choose Kingfisher

Awesome drink !!
May 13, 2015 11:36 PM 17395 Views (via Mobile)

Kingfisher is awesome beer with great test  two weeks me and my friends were party for night out get beers and food from hotels and wine shop!

I got my choice that is kingfisher strong beer which is my favorite one when get drunk it feels like we are in heaven it is energetic and ful of drowsiness drink  when my friend take a sip of my drink he is also  very addicted to this drink as he enjoy and like its taste thus we were enjoyed the night with kingfisher atleast we have 12 bottles thus we were enjoy alot with it!

Thus I recommend to just taste this drink as it has no side effects as I guarantee u will not get disappointed !

They Mix Glycerine in Beer!
Nov 22, 2011 12:49 PM 13543 Views

Kingfisher is ghatiya beer! I am telling u after having innumerable sessions with the beer.but finally I am calling it off, day before yesterday saturday went out with frnds in a club, i had 4 pints of beer.

After that the whole sunday my head was aching.

I thought it as hangover. Now on monday too my head is aching.

People ha ve told me earlier that they mix glycerine in Kingfisher, but I never agreed now I am agreeing and calling off KINGFISHER ERA!

Bangalore India
Way too sweet
Jun 11, 2011 01:56 PM 13424 Views

For my taste to sweet and therefore not a real strong beer. A strong beer should not tast sweet, but herb, with barley and hops coming out. Unfortunately it is the only widely available. Try Foster's Strong instead (newly introduced in Gurgaon, Haryana and punjab) - finally a new kid on the block, and tastes like a Strong should do.

Foster's Strong is a real alternative if not better. I had KFS early on and acquired its taste - my friends had it, so did I. Did not think much why I am drinking it. Probably followed the herd and was too lazy to try out something out new.

Mumbai India
Definitely strong with a sweet after taste
Jun 07, 2011 04:14 PM 12586 Views

I had this recently when I was out on a camping trip with college friends. We picked up a crate of Kingfisher Strong to enjoy later on in the evening. Initial experience, it gives you a sweet after taste and I dont think a majority of beer lovers will enjoy the taste.

It does give you a decent kick but I coudln't get over the sweet after taste. Think its been made to satisfy the tastes of the average Indian who is not a beer drinker. C'mon, we all know everyone loves their Rum, vodka and whisky a lot more!

The strongest
May 22, 2009 07:18 PM 16236 Views

I am not much of a beer drinker. I always prefer the harder varieties of alcohol. But you can not drink these in summer, especially if you are drinking at afternoon.

Kingfisher strong is probably the strongest beer in India. A few years ago, it was the undisputed king of Indian Beer market (about 85% market share) but now with the entry of brands like Carleberg, Barrons etc. it is losing ground somewhat, but still remains the largest selling beer in India by a huge margin.

The biggest plus point of this brand is its availability. I have traveled extensively across India and must have visited some 1000 bars so far. In only 2 cases, I could not find Kingfisher Strong on the menu card (Both these locations were in Bihar!).

It's not crisp. Goes down pretty hard and has a very strong smell. But it's really strong and that's why I choose it every time I have to drink beer.

Always choose some light, non fried snack with it. It will wreck havoc if you gulp it down with food such as butter chicken, naan etc. Best snack to accompany is peanuts and roasted chicken.

If this review sounds very dry, I am sorry. But did not have much to write as I am not really a beer fan, but I am sure those who are will definitely rate this brand very high. It's not without reason that it's the largest selling beer brand in India.


Kingfisher Strong

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