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I want to be a Birthday Girl!

By: vsdeepthi | Posted Jun 30, 2010 | Moi | 959 Views | (Updated Sep 27, 2010 01:33 PM)

I wan to be a birthday girl. I want to celebrate my birthday, which is 6 months away :-(.

I want to be pampered, I want all the attention, I want to feel admired!

Birthdays, special days...days when all the people wish you, for being what you are. Days which remind you of the number of people still around you. Days which bring back nostalgic memories. Days which make you feel good, special & happy.

Long forgotten friends, long distance calls. Relationships that were ignored for reasons like ego.

Nothing matters on this day. You forgive people for their past mistakes, and accept their wishes. Misunderstandings are merely wispy moments that are forgotten.

Probably the only day in the entire year when you are surprised by the down pour of wishes by so many people who were oblivion all this while. It makes you feel hopeful of all the relations/ ties in your life. Makes you feel that nothing has changed in the world and all is well, still the same.

Such a comfort! Comfort just for the day, as you probably know that the next day each of them would be back on the tracks of busy life. You would still be grateful, thankful and hopeful for having at least a word with these people who cared enough to wish on your day. I realize now the importance of these sepcial much it means to wish a person on their special day, what difference it makes.

One of my friend celebrated his birthday yesterday and I could see how happy he is, how overwhelmed he is. In his words "having people is do damn nice, feels nice to know that there are so many people who like you. I feel sorry for not spending time with these friends. I always thought I am so busy and so they must be busy too. But the fact is, everybody is like me, they don't know they are loved till told. They don't know how many people admire them."

And I want all of this :-). I wish I had some special day which is not 6 months far! I wish I had a chance to know how many people I have in my life. Unfortunately last year I did not have such a great birthday. Except for my family members, I received only few phone calls that I can count on fingers. What happened suddenly? What has changed? Did I get old enough to loose all the friends or people in my life? Have I ignored people to the extent that no body cared to wish me on my day?! Is this what happens when you get older?

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Jun 30, 2010 04:42 PM

Its as lovely post....well who wouldnt love to celeberate their birth day when u feel u are on the top of the world like a king or queen.
nope its not that u get older to loose people who are dearer to u...
but the sad part is that u will get to know ur real friends who wish u...
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Jun 30, 2010 05:40 PM (Updated Jun 30, 2011 09:32 AM)

We all will be happy to celebrate Birthday, even Yours, But Pray when is the Birthday Girl...Oh Saggi...

At least tell the Day of your B’Day, So that We all will wish you that day of every month instead of Just Once a year. But Do Remember, Deepthi, We you start celebrating B’Day every month you will soon become very old, Older than me...

Wish My B’day falls on 29th Of Feb like Morajee Desia, I could celebrate once in four years and I would be a Baccha of 10 years. LOL

Just an Advice, Count the Blessing your receive not the Gifts and Joy of receiving those Gifts. May be this Year you can celebrate the B’Day by gifting others who are in need than yourself.

God Gifts us 365 Presents every Day, But Just One day, Its the B’Day Present.

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Deepthi,
Happy Birthday to you.

From old friends and true,
From good friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too."

Anyways Thanks for Sharing with all of Us you idea of wanting to be a "Birthday Girl"
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Jun 30, 2010 07:48 PM

guess what...even mine is 6 months away...I think one of my best birthdays was when MS friends sent me wishes....suddenly lots of wishes and people who did not know me brought a smile and lots of joy with their wishes / blessings. you feeel god without any reason... its better than wedding day, don't you agree. a new topic spreading feel good feling. you go go girl...Read More


Jun 30, 2010 08:40 PM (Updated Jun 30, 2010 08:40 PM)

@VelM: Thank you
@Javeed: I don’t mind getting older as long as the number of people who wish me grows along with my age!

Thanks for the advise Javeed. Thats a good idea.

@lovesreading: Yeah birthdays are the best, cause only you are the center of attraction on that day. So you too are a saggi hun?!
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Aug 16, 2010 10:09 AM

Deepthi, on Having this Diary Post Selected as the ''FEATURED POST''


Aug 16, 2010 11:21 AM

nice one. I had a great e-birthday bash last sept on MS. this was amazing. cONGRATS FOR THE FP :)


Aug 16, 2010 11:35 AM

Lovely Post....Congrats for the Featured Status....


Aug 16, 2010 12:28 PM

Congratulations Deepthi for the FP status of this very very good post. I alongwith the fellow MSians would love to wish you birthday. You have expressed your sentiments quite nicely.

Jitendra Mathur
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Aug 16, 2010 07:13 PM

are indeed special.. i love em too!
Congratulations on the Featured post! :)



Aug 16, 2010 07:34 PM

Congrats on the FP buddy! :)
Keep penning~!

Have a great week ahead..
Take care



Aug 17, 2010 07:16 AM

congratulations....for the FP. Hope to see many more diaries from you (now that I would be in MS more often)Take care..


Aug 17, 2010 11:37 AM

Thanks one and all :-).