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The Election Circus

By: deepak27 | Posted Mar 17, 2009 | General | 629 Views

The Indian electoral process has started. The election is no less than a circus with Messrs Gopalswamy, Chawla and Qureshi as ringmasters. Previous elections always used to have a front runner. But this election has no favourites with three fronts being formed. The ruling UPA is facing severe anti-incumbency and the Congress party's allies are taking it for a ride. The NDA which six months back looked all set to make a comeback is now suddenly on the backfoot, with it allies waiting to desert it. And the motley group of Prime ministerial aspirants calling themselves the Third Front are waiting to see which side they can jump to, after the election results.

As expected, if there is a hung parliament, everyone would be worried about who becomes Prime Minister, but what happens to India. We are in the midst of a recession with unstable and unfriendly neighbours surrounding us. What will happen to this nation if we don't have a stable govt? Can a motley crowd of parties whose only aim is the gaddi run this great nation? Is it time that we move away from coalition politics and move to a two-party system?

So, what do you feel friends? Can coalition parties with a host of parties with nothing common between them deliver the goods or is it only a two-party system that can provide stability?

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Mar 17, 2009 07:48 PM

Thanks for sharing this information.. Very useful.....


Mar 17, 2009 07:58 PM (Updated Mar 17, 2009 08:00 PM)

Wonder Who are the Jokers, Where are the Elephants and the Lions? And How about those Lovely Ladies doing Acrobats...

Appraise me. And The Aaam Public ? Enjoy the Show. Who can Laugh better At them selves...Than We the people.
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Mar 19, 2009 12:00 AM

sadly, as u pointed out, this election is going to be less about which party comes to power than who will get to be the next PM..a very poor quality pool to choose from.

but for decades we have managed to overcome such scares of divide and rule politics to elect governments with some semblance of responsibility..considering the poor example our neighbours set.

so sit back and enjoy the tamasha...and keep writing
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