India has contributed to the construction and commissioning of CERN’s most ambitious particle accelerator project the “Large Hadron Collider” (LHC) and is now engaged in other activities, namely, CTF 3 and LINAC-4. The contributions to LHC span from hardware, software, expert manpower support for evaluation of some of the LHC sub-systems and commissioning support of various subsystems of LHC. India has developed and supplied a total of 7080 Precision Magnet Positioning Systems (PMPS) Jacks for supporting Cryodipole magnets of LHC, 1146 Superconducting Corrector Magnets (MCS), 616 Superconducting octupole-decapole correcting magnets (MCDO), 5500 Quench Heater Power Supplies(QHPS), 1435 Local Protection Units (LPUs) etc., for LHC. With the background of these contributions to CERN’s satisfaction, India was invited to participate in CERN’s upcoming Advanced Accelerator Projects, like, Superconducting Proton LINAC, SPL and Compact Linear Collider Test Facility, CTF 3
Details of Indian Contributions
1 50000 litres Liquid Nitrogen tanks.
2 Superconducting corrector magnets
i) Sextpole (MCS)
ii) Decapole and Octupole (MCDO)
3 Precision Magnet Positioning System (PMPS) Jacks
4 Quench Heater Protection Systems (QHPS)
5 Integration of QHPS units into racks
6 Control electronics for circuit breakers of energy extraction system
7 Local protection units (LPU)
8 SC Dipole magnet tests/measurements,expert support in Man years
9 LHC Hardware Commissioning of Cryogenics, Power converters, Protection systems, Controls. Man years
10 Data management software upgrade, Data analysis software/documentation projects
11 Development of JMT-II software
12 Software development-slow control of Industrial Systems of LHC
13 Design and calculations for Vacuum system for beam dump line
14 Analysis of cryo-line jumper and magnet connections