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International symbol of Marriage

By: derebail2008 | Posted Jun 28, 2008 | General | 17840 Views | (Updated Jun 28, 2008 09:30 AM)

The much debated symbol of Marriage has been approved by the international committee. One look at the symbol, it gives a perfect idea as to who is the boss of the household. The symbol shows the man kneeling at the women's feet with a credit card being held up with one hand.

Of course he is enjoying his peek a boo at the mini skirt. Well after Adam and eve temptation it is the first practical acknowledgement by the world body to glorify women in married life. I for one won t mind being dominated by fairer sex. It is good to enjoy back seat driving rather than taking all the pressure of intense focussing and concentration.

Well ultimately for a successful married life, there are some important igredients, which obviously has been surmised in the logo selected :

  1. Don t wash your dirty linen in public, better to keep misunderstandings private and within 4 walls.

  2. Try to have harmonious sexual relationship, with mutual consent.

  3. Understand the monetary needs of your better half, it goes either ways lol

  4. Don t quarrel or have rift for sake of childrens needs, let the bank balance decide to fulfill their needs.

  5. Try to emphatise with each other in case of health, socialising and entertainment needs.

Well what I am doing, I am not a marriage counsellor by profession. I was only trying my best to unravel the logic behind acceptance of the marriage symbol. Any more guesses on the significance of this logo from MSians are welcome

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Jun 28, 2008 09:46 AM

Ofcourse Mr Umesh you are not a marriage counsellor,but you are the best to unravel the logic behind acceptance of the marriage symbol.


Jun 28, 2008 09:53 AM

I for one .. Would say there is no secret recipe for successful marriage other than Mutual respect and trust.


Jun 28, 2008 10:02 AM

Is there any necessity for a marriage symbol ?


Jun 28, 2008 10:24 AM

Some one is happy when the Other is Sad... For Sure...


Jun 28, 2008 12:09 PM

I'm a woman but if i will be asked to approve that symbol,it's difinitely a no,no to me. The way its being sketched, a woman putting her hands on her waist, looks like she is a very demanding woman and could just easily step on her better half's toe anytime she wants. It shows of less respect for her man and the man is very much under in all or many circumstances which don't look good to me. I believe that marriage should be founded on love,mutual respect,trust and should be God centered marraige life. Marraige without love is a sacrilege, without respect, a tendency to always shout and argue each other and without trust,one will always doubt,have negative thinking,paranoid and invistigative atittude, which i believe will not do good for a happy and succesful marraige life. I would suggest if ever ask that a marraige symbol should go with love,peace and harmony and God centered picture.i dont say that these are all there is to it, but maybe these r just among the important ones. Have a nice,loving,happy and peaceful marraige life....Read More


Jun 29, 2008 05:01 PM

So far none of the women have volunteered to comment Lol, we are really slaves now onwards ROFL


Jun 29, 2008 05:02 PM

One comment received from Malaysia on behalf of the women community,


Jun 30, 2008 12:03 AM

new study said women likes bad boys and only chamcha type of husbands.


Jun 30, 2008 12:04 AM

in my marriage the symbol is opposite what you have put up in ur post.


Jun 30, 2008 12:05 AM

i am joking you know.


Jun 30, 2008 02:45 PM

what damn! This can never be the symbol of marriage! Marriage is the name of a bond/bridge which is built on mutual understanding, respect for each other and always been there for the other one!
I interpret this photo as the huy surrendering his card to the lady & begging to take over the charge in future!
...Read More


Nov 29, 2009 07:40 PM

Definitely this is not the right symbol for marriage. It may be the symbol for hubby slavery - which is not the case with majority of the marriages.