Like many other people around the world I decided to seek'professional' advise on weight loss / nutrition since I had run out of my own ideas on this subject. Some people mentioned a dietician called Suman Agarwal of Selfcare and I said, hey what the heck, lets check it out. As they say, hindsight is 20 /20 and there is no way to turn the clock back to reverse this decision. Rs. 22,000 plus the cost of fuel, time, food stuff bought from self care and I'm just 2 kg lighter in some 7 months.
Suman Agarwal or Selfcare displayed no capability whatsoever in diagnosing the issue that is unique to an individual or handling the responsibility of the outcome. They use some website(something I can find on the web very easily) where they populate a diet - stuff like 80gms chicken, 100 gms milk, 50 gms humbug and come up with a diet plan of a certain amount of calories, which is almost exactly what I was consuming anyways. Every week at the weight check they will tell you that we are adding another marie biscuit or taking away 2 marie biscuits and this goes on forever. They make you do a battery of tests and don't have the ability to draw any conclusions from the results. And if all your indicators are normal, man are they even more clueless because they cannot pin down your inability to lose weight on any problem with your system.
The frustrating part is that you are stuck! The money is paid upfront and of course you will keep going for those innane sessions because well, you have paid upfront! As a consultant who has lead large assignments for some of the largest corporates I was never able to get all the fee upfront! Even Mckinsey cannot! Did I choose the wrong profession?
Ms Suman Agarwal of course has no time to sit and talk to you & understand the root cause of your problem. Maybe the capability doesnt exist beyond suggesting'have half cup of dal or one cup of veggies' so she is worried about getting found out. The point is that where people have trouble with portion control and if a dietician is able to regulate that aspect weight loss will happen no matter what. But where portion control is not an issue & still there is a weight problem then these fly by night dieticians are sorely stuck!
In her designer clothes and designer attitude Ms. Agarwal struts about her office and pops her head in while you are talking to a kid just out of dietician school! Poor things, they are so sincere but oh so clueless! Ms. Agarwal of course has only one thing to say - don't worry, it will happen, I'll make it happen. I promised you 5 kgs in 8 weeks & I'll deliver. And she disappears! HaHaHa What a bunch of BS!
I have donated to a not so deserving charity but you don't have to! Leran from the once bitten and be twice as shy.