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By: vsdeepthi | Posted Feb 18, 2014 | General | 1052 Views | (Updated Feb 18, 2014 06:10 PM)

I read this somewhere - "Greatest illusion of life is the Innocence". I guess its true, only when the reality dawns on you, one realizes how blinded they are with respect to the view of the real World. You were scared in childhood, of ghosts, of devils, not knowing they were fictional. Later as you grow you realize there are more things you need to be scared of than those which do not exist. I really was very scared of these things and even till date I do not watch any horror movies. There were nights in my childhood when I thought I wont make it till the morning cause something was going to eat me up and I just prayed and prayed till it was morning. But the next morning I did not even remember the nightmare. On the contrary and on the positive side, today I can sleep peacefully

all alone( of course with my pet). I know what is fiction and what is fact. On the negative side, now, there are so many devils inside my head that eat me up day and night. When did you grow up so much that you failed to see the day and the night separately? And I read and watch Fiction a lot cause fictional world seems better than the real world.

I thought friends were forever. They are the family. Only ones with whom you share a secret. You laugh, you play, you fight with. My innocence did not tell me that someday people part and they are gone, when life happens. Today, luckily I have siblings and they seem to be the best friends who were there all the time. I just did not see them, and thought they were the best enemies. What about those who do not have any siblings? How do they cope being alone in this big world? On paper I seem to have many many friends today than those exclusive few friends who were only for you. Should I be happy for the life happening to me or to them?

Competition was to win. To be the best. To be the first. To be the smartest. To be the one who runs faster. To be the one who scores the high. Not be cheating but by playing the game fair. Now, none of these things matter in the race. When did these definitions change? Honesty, integrity seem to be a loser's cup of tea now. How easy was it to trust then. Trust a thing, a person. Is there truly anyone whom you could really really trust your life with? Not the family members of course. Guess it all says why people started building barriers, bridges, borders. There were times when people took advantage, people cheated, people broke the trust. But now all of us have learnt, tackled and withstood. But to be always on check for who the next one is to be careful of?

I wonder where all the time I had as a child is gone now. Time lying on a terrace and watching the stars, when there was a separate time slot in the day to PLAY. Not just go to school and study, but PLAY. Where did the summer vacations go? Where did all the relatives go? Now you don't remember when was the last time you saw the sun rise or set. Relatives are only a nuisance now. No one stays more than a week or two anymore. I wonder how we used to spend months together at someone else's place. Everyone wants to leave and get back to their own cozy cocoons. And what is a vacation now? Just a time off from work. You really don't care where you go and what you do and how you spend and who you spend your time with. Just hit the road and be someplace. Somewhere lost. You have already seen the place in pictures before you go, enquired with people who had been there, you even have a weather forecast. Where did the curiosity in life go? Oh well, yest its just a click away. For everything you just click. Click, Click and Click.

Should one be happy or sad for being innocent? Is Innocence a flaw?

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Feb 20, 2014 10:22 AM

Well expressed thoughts..
Innocence is certainly not a flaw..
In today day and age innocence is a rare attribute..

Congrats on the FB~!
Keep penning!

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Feb 20, 2014 10:42 AM (Updated Feb 20, 2014 12:36 PM)

Innocence is not a flaw Deepthi, it's a virtue but in today's world innocence of a person (if it is real) may lead him / her to losses and setbacks. Still being innocent is nothing short of being divine when guilt and (so-called) knowledge is encompassing all the nooks and corners.

Your thoughts are nice, well-presented and deserve attention. However, fortunately, I see both sunrise and sunset everyday. Touch wood !

Jitendra Mathur
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Feb 20, 2014 10:56 AM

Innocence most often is a good fortune and not a virtue. Like to share a quote, Innocence is thought charming because it offers delightful possibilities for exploitation.

Congrats for the Featured Status :)
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Feb 20, 2014 11:09 AM

Thank you @confusedsoul, @jmathur, @maaz_nawaz


Feb 20, 2014 11:33 AM

Innocence is not a flaw but a bliss, a virtue, a carefree attitude towards life as we were in our childhood. Stay innocent but careful enough that nobody could make you prey.

I miss being a kid yaar!! There was a necessary play-time when we used to play hide-n-seek, gold spot, badminton etc., cartoon-time even Chitrahaar-time. :-P I used to refuse to study if my mom not let me go to play for an hour.

You know, I came across a pic on Fackebook - 5 solid black figures of human only showing their heart in red. As a child it was the biggest, gradually it decreased in size & the last figure has no heart, there was only a $ (dollar) sign. Depicts the same story of us.

Deserving FB... Congrats!!!
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