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Everyone Needs A Super-Hero

By: vsdeepthi | Posted Oct 07, 2013 | General | 915 Views

Right now what is getting to my nerves is the situation in Andra Pradesh. In what minds was Sonia and her Party were, when they decided to divide the state into two? Why the hell should there be two states talking the same language, with same culture, but as two different entities? For generations now, these two states will always be rivals. They divided the state just for political reasons? I feel so helpless and confused with situations like these. And to top it up the strikes. There have been no schools, no transportation( road) services since months now. And now electricity board is on strike too.

Who is suffering cause of all this? Common people. My 80 year old grandmother and my Mother-in-law who needs regular health check-ups could not go see a doctor cause of these strikes. My sister's 2 months old baby is suffering cause of umpteen inconveniences these strikes are causing. What happens to children's education if the schools stop teaching for more than 3 months? Would they postpone board exams too? Aren't they losing valuable time in their education? Is this how people chose to fight back? By not providing the services to their own people?

I for once feel violence is better than these cold wars. Let all those hot-headed men/ women fight to death and end this rather than months or years of these useless loser wars which only trouble common people than winning anything! Should I be happy that I no more live in a state like that? Should I be sorry that I am from such a state? Should I be worried that someday even this current state that I live in, might get into such pitiable state?

Suppose I was living in such situations would I be sitting like this and ranting away on the internet? Can I do something? Will I? My hot-head sure says to do something. But would I really go ahead and do it? It is easy to say, but not so easy to actually do it. We always want that "someone" else who would fight for us, who would win battles for us. Well, at least now, I do know what is happening to AP. It is looking for "The Dark Knight" to rise and save it.

I keep watching these Super-hero movies over and over. Every time they are played on TV. Every time! And I get goosebumps each time watching these hero's. All these politicians like Jagan, have so much money, so much power so if they really want to save the world why not be a super-hero, rather than a politician? Why to get into messy politics and become a victim instead? Choose your own way of fighting, choose your own battle field, and play your own game?

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Oct 09, 2013 09:29 AM (Updated Oct 09, 2013 09:38 AM)

The Sleeping Giants Woke Up when reality Hit them hard on their heads.

I am not Supporting the creation of Telangana, But I am aghast at the Way the Seemandhra People slept all these Days and Suddenly woke Up and started counter agitation! Too Late I think.

We need no Super Heroes, all we need is the Voice of Aaam Adami to be heard aloud and clear. Its a Mess the Politicians have created and Its a Mess that the People of the state need to clean in the coming Elections.

Super Heroes only Provide Motivation and Inspire Us to Not to give Up on Hope and on the abilities of OneSelf.

Anyway Thank You for Sharing Your Views on Telangana and Super Heroes.

Pssst... Jagan ? Super Hero? Super Rouge !
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Oct 09, 2013 09:52 AM

We need superheros cause no one( aam aadmi) is taking that responsibility. All we are good at is blame game. And I know the least about politics or politicians, except that its a filthy place filled with even more filthy people. I was not supporting Jagan, I was inferring that if he really is a hero like people claim him to be why did he chose to join politics? That was a question rather than a compliment for him.
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Oct 09, 2013 10:30 AM (Updated Oct 09, 2013 10:53 AM)

The Only Super Heroes We have are those of Reel Life, None from the Real Life , Even if We have few we sent them off into Oblivion like those of Anna!

Superman, Spriderman, Batman, Captain America all are comic characters, even our own Shaktimaan ! They can only Motivate but cannot be emulated!

The Problem is No one wants to Clean up the Filth, that is the Issue. For Us Politicians are seen as aliens from the Jupiter (Pun at Rahul) !

The congress played into the hands of regional satraps, AP is the latest causality of that game! The KCR needed a Bone one Dec Night and Chidambaram at the behest of Rossaih Provided him with Nice Good Old Hyderabadi Dum Biryani and the Out come is What we are facing today.

Anyway Thank You for the Clarification.
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Oct 09, 2013 11:13 AM

''The congress played into the hands of regional satraps, AP is the latest causality of that game! The KCR needed a Bone one Dec Night and Chidambaram at the behest of Rossaih Provided him with Nice Good Old Hyderabadi Dum Biryani and the Out come is What we are facing today. ''

Nice hilarious way to put it.
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Oct 26, 2013 10:27 AM

In today's world it is difficult to get Super Hero, We have to search for the Ordinary People Doing an Extraordinary Work |...

Congrats for the Featured Status :)
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Oct 26, 2013 04:23 PM

Hearty congrats Deepthi. You have created history on MS by getting both ROD and FB together (on the same day).

Simply fantastic !

And the views expressed herein are completely agreeable.

Jitendra Mathur
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Oct 27, 2013 08:08 PM

for the wishes and encouragement.