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Life is Grande

By: vsdeepthi | Posted Apr 07, 2014 | General | 906 Views

In my childhood America was my dream. My only dream. Not visiting it but living on this land of success. That is what it meant to me back then - Land of Success, Fortune and Dreams. I have said enough about how much I wanted to study abroad and settle down their doing some cut-throat research. Well am glad its just a dream.

Though later my priorities changed, this fading dream was still there. Somewhere. Somewhere in the zone of "if I get a chance why not". Then it was not for studies but for work. I wanted to work abroad. I really cannot say why exactly, but cause everyone else were doing it. Then later the age dawned on me, and it eventually became a place I want to visit. With time many more places got added to the list of places to visit. I wanted to visit Las Vegas( again not that I appreciate the city for what it is), but because what I hear from others and because its on everyone's bucket list( at least the people I know). And how does it feel when all this comes true? Amazing? Unbelievable? Not really.

So I had to travel on a business to this country of dreams and I had time to visit Las Vegas too. And my experience of the whole thing? It really does not matter where you are unless there is someone to witness your happiness, your excitement. Someone you love. Someone who cares for you. So that your life does not go unnoticed in the midst of billion lives of other people on this planet. When have I become such a hopeless romantic? Anyways, here's my take on my dream country - Life is Grande here in Unites States Of America. Yes, one thing I learned from my trip - to live larger than life. I setup so many constraints, boundaries around myself. Home loan that made me frugal. Not traveling enough cause of lame reasons of health, work, Leo( my pet) etc. So yeah, live life by your standards, not by standards set by someone else. Do not end up living your whole life saving for rainy day or for that special day.

Life is Grande

We tend to do so many things just because its fashion to do so. So I WANTED to have a cup of coffe at Star Bucks( and it pretty much tastes the same). Since I took the plane to US of America, everything came in large.You order a small coffee, and its larger than the large in India( that did not sound right, but you get it right?). You order food the quantity is so much that two of us can share it. Not just food or drinks, the roads, the malls everything is so big, huge and so advanced. They do not have one fourth of the traffic that any Bangalore road has but they have 4 times bigger roads. Why? Take any infrastructure, its just huge. I still cannot get why? Nothing is just sufficient. Everything is in excess. Everything is large and you are larger than life.

Variety Vs Uniqueness

And talk about variety. Same stuff is available in so many varieties. No 2 cars are the same. I guess people are very unique over there. Unlike here in India where we just follow the flock. I was parked on a pretty busy road in Bangalore and there were 6 i10's among 10 cars. One among them is mine. Only uniqueness was the number plate. Yeah we do spend so much on fancy numbers:-P. Take from fashion to cuisine this country embraces every culture.


Every time I step out of my home, there are two things that I dread. Chaotic traffic and having to use a toilet. Toilets in a restaurant, airport or any place that is not yours, use it like you are never going to use it ever again. Not only you, but anyone after you. That is the way we treat anything that is not ours. We are hygiene freaks when it comes to our home, our toilets, our car etc. But if its not yours, why do we treat them the way we do? And we are in such a hurry to get rid of any unwanted baggage, that we throw it anywhere we like it. Well again anywhere that is not my home. Why can't we keep the city clean? We boast so much about how patriotic we are, but where does it all go when it comes to simple act of keeping your city/ country clean? And then traffic. Only place I saw same traffic as on MG Road in USA is Las Vegas Strip. BUT. There were no honks. What a bliss? There are no speed breakers anywhere on the road, just a "STOP" sign written on a the road. People just stop whether or not there is another vehicle, pedestrian or a signal. How come they are so disciplined? Cause the fines are way too high? But what are the chances of getting caught in the first place? We gamble a lot with our luck. Everyday. More than the gambling that happens in Vegas. If no one sees us we break rules by betting on our luck. We would even drive on the opposite direction on a one-way. Anything to break the rules. If there is a queue, you would want to push through, as if you are in a hurry. We are in hurry all the time. In every queue that I had been in USA people were very patient. They always let me first. Irrespective of their age. I was actually ashamed that an older person offered me to go first.

Being Connected

Somehow I felt people are to themselves. Like in India people do not connect. May be cause I was a stranger there. Or may be not. Even at office I do not see two people socializing over a cup of coffee. And work ethic is so high. If a person is in office and s/he says they are working - they are really working. If they want to take time off they do not lie about it. They take a vacation. They value their self development and families enough that valuing work comes easily. They are not working cause the society is expecting them, but cause they need to support themselves or their families. Not because they are bored but because they need the job. I had a conversation with the shuttle driver who apparently is an immigrant from Indian Origin. He works 6 months and takes a vacation back in India for 6 months. No job is a bad job or a good job. Every job is equally respected. And there is no superiority in terms of social status. Every one is treated the same.

In the end.

There are many things to improve on for us. Not in terms of Government or Finance or Infrastructure. But first as good citizens. Responsible people. This is all it takes to be a better country. That is all it takes to grow. Be conscious, be responsible and respect discipline. There are no shortcuts. Now be one and vote:D.

All said and done, I love India. I love living here, being connected. I love the festivals. I like the celebrations. I like the way we see and live our lifes - as if it were a box office hit masala movie - a great entertainer. And little of "chalta hain" attitude once in a while is ok, as long as it is to keep the humor on in life. And isn't my life grand here? It is in Indian Standards. So I would prefer to live a grand life here in India than be a nobody abroad.

Mere Bharat Mahan. Period.

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