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By: coolkat | Posted Nov 05, 2009 | General | 348 Views

this should actually have been in the reviews list, but as they have not updated the category listing, I am posting it as a diary!

All right, so I was just distinctly pleased to have a mouthpiece, which would be read by many people all over India, talking over the products, which bugged them or which needed to be praised. So, I wrote my first review, and was extremely pleased to see that yes, MouthShut was being read by a large segment of people all over India, who were interested in getting to know more about reviews, views, and whews pertaining to products. But unfortunately, I noticed that the same reviews and negative ratings were definitely not being implemented by the companies themselves, who are using the same idea of apathy, and "dogs may bark while elephants stroll on the streets" state of mind, because the customer is definitely always wrong!Nevertheless, I have decided to put on my critical glasses and start reviewing Mouthshut itself, to note down all the drawbacks, which annoy a person on the first viewing of MouthShut.

ClutterThe homepage is definitely so cluttered that one is hard put to look for any sort of subject he is interested in. A person coming to Mouthshut knows what he is looking for and does not want to be distracted by any other topics, including Google ads. Please get your layout team to change the color combination, get the ads out of the way in some remote corner, add to the font size so that elderly people can also read Mouthshut without squinting their as a diary posting can not be more than 5000 characters, Read on, in my next diary posting!

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