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Ten ways the world will end

By: dheepak14 | Posted Oct 30, 2008 | General | 512 Views



odds of fatality per lifetime)


asteroid impact

Local for a small rock, global for a big one

1 in 700,000

Almost 100% preventable

Identify potential impactors, then blow them up or push them out of the way

solar flare/cme

Collapse of power grid, potential ozone depletion


Non-preventable, but mitigatable

Build robust power grids


Ozone depletion, radiation

1 in 10,000,000

Not preventable

gamma-ray burst

Ozone depletion, radiation, setting planet on fire

1 in 14,000,000

Not preventable

black hole

Destruction of Earth

1 in 1,000,000,000,000

Not preventable

alien attack

Humanity wiped out by aliens, space bugs give us runny noses


Preventable, assuming we colonize the galaxy first.

Otherwise, forget it.

death of the sun

Earth cooked to a crisp

0 †

Not preventable, but we have a long time to go yet

galactic doom

Ice ages, radiation, eaten by supermassive black hole

0 †

Not preventable, but again, none of these will happen on a human timescale

death of the universe

Decay of all matter, collapse of false vacuum

0 †

Not preventable, but dwarfs any timescale we can imagine

  • Fatalities are very unlikely from a solar event, but they can still cause extensive damage.

† These events all take billions of years (at least!) to unfold, so the chances of them happening? during your lifetime are zero, but are inevitable over longer times.

Table reprinted by arrangement with Viking, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., from DEATH FROM THE SKIES! © Philip Plait, Ph.D., 2008

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