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Paying The Piper

By: RapidRecoveryS | Posted Dec 28, 2011 | General | 411 Views

Paying The Piper

by Malik Toppins

Not long after beginning my pipe installation company, business began to pick up dramatically. In fact, my first four years was a frantic jumble of new consumers, new operations and extensive growth for the company. Unfortunately though, with all of the commotion that was occurring, a few clients aimed to take advantage of our good service and skip out on paying us.

After numerous unanswered phone calls and emails to those few immoral organizations that refused to pay us, I knew a different approach would need to be applied if I was going to collect the funds that were owed to me. I began to search through collection agencies, but was not happy with any of the agencies I found. Almost all of the debt collection agencies I found seemed very secretive about their methods of collection and suggested that they were confined to collections within certain states.

Then I fell on Rapid Recovery Solutions and they stood apart from all of the other collection agencies I found. Their methods of collection focused on using a proprietary combination of emails, faxes, letters, phone calls and private investigators. Rapid Recovery Solutions is also licensed in every locale and state of the United States to collect. This was one of the main characteristics that led to my decision to give them a go.

After a few quick conversations with Rapid Recovery Solutions, they were on the job of recovering the funds that were due to my company. Imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to discover that I would not be charged for anything until money was recovered. That is the policy that Rapid Recovery Solutions follows for all of their clients. The real icing on the cake though, was when Rapid Recovery Solutions were able to recover all of the money for me. Collecting the unpaid funds that were owed to my company were becoming an incredible fight, but fortunately Rapid Recovery Solutions was able to lend a helping hand.

I fully understand how financial difficulties have the potential to apply large amounts of strain and stress on your life and that many people rely on tardy funds to help them get through day to day tasks. If you may be in a similar situation then I recommend the services of Rapid Recovery Solutions to you.

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