Why love is for losers.
We see that mostly in all parts of the world, people just want to be loved.There are so many important things to do, but so many people base their most important life decisions only on the base emotion of love.And why is love not the answer to all things that are problematic?
Bec ausefor most things in this world and in people’s lives, you have to use your mind and brain, and when your minds and brains cease to give you answers, you look for the emotion of love.
My personal experience has been that my family loved me a lot all through my childhood and growing up years, so I never looked for love from outside resources. But people don’t get so much affection even from one person in their lives, so they open up to a lot of people after they’ve grown up. This is not necessarily a good thing. Because first, it’s not necessary that a person you find attractive should love you back, and for me, personally, many people have just portrayed a one sided emotion, which when not checked, becomes an obsession.
Nobody likes to nurture a broken heart, so don’t keep loving one sidedly, and blaming the person who hurts you. . You have the brains to evaluate whether a person likes you or not, so, go after only those people who express the same emotion back, and don’t keep hurting someone with one sided affection.It could prove to be a good strategy to win a war, but in real life, one sided, unrequited love is only for losers.And I also feel very strongly about people who keep waiting to be loved back.This is not necessarily going to happen, so start looking elsewhere, or start looking for it from people who do really like you.
I am on many spiritual sites and places, and we see so many immature minds always preaching love, but this is really unwelcome, because divine love is only for those who feel love for god, and it is not in the same wavelength as loving another human being.That’s why, when I look for people overflowing with the emotion of love, I always run.
Talking about the highest form of love, spiritual love will make you free, and that kind of love will make you pure, one minded, single pointed, and a socially useful person. So grow up out of love, and learn to face the world with your mind, because no one else is looking for a heart, but the whole world can do with another special mind.
Love can also be just your lust, so don’t beg for your bodily satisfaction from an infinite number or sources.That’s just downright cheap, and being bodily, it makes you appear desperate for a number of people’s bodies, which is downright bad, so, I’m sorry to break your heart, but no, I don’t need your love, err, lust, err, disgust.Uhhh, never mind!