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Papa, I Am Afraid

By: Emjoyeveryday | Posted Aug 01, 2010 | General | 224 Views | (Updated Aug 01, 2010 01:16 PM)

I laid my head upon his chest

His fingers intertwined in mine

I wondered how big his fingers were

Then gently caressing them

Felt the skin of his palm

It was rough under

The pains of life having drafted those lines

Yet when he touched

It was like feather falling on wool

So gentle and soothing

I wished he would always touch me

I bent closer to his heart

To hear what it sounded like

In its solemnness were heard two beats

That set the rythm to my life

"Papa, why does your heart beat that way?"

"because I am alive"

I bent down to hear my heart

Failing to get my ears there

"Papa what sound comes from here?"

He said "same like mine"

Why? I ask

"Because you are my child"

"Papa, then I am alive too."

He smiled

I saw my skin was of darker color

"Papa, you are fairer than me"

"I wish you were fairer than me"

"Papa, your eyes are beautiful"

"I have imparted my beauty to you"

"Papa, everyone loves you because of your nature so divine"

"You will have my nature; for you are mine"

"Papa I am small and you are big and tall"

"One day you will grow to my height and we can walk

shoulder to shoulder"

"Papa, I have such small hands; your hands are big"

"So I can hold yours in mine and you will be safe"

"Papa you are smart"

"Someday you will outsmart me"

Happy, I looked up to see his face, but the Sun glared at me mercilessly

"Papa, the Sun hurts"

"Hide under my shadow"

"Papa, it's raining and I am all wet"

"Let me be your shelter"

"Papa, the waters are deep; I am afraid I will drown"

"Take the lap till you can, then you can ride on me"

"Papa, it's dark; I cannot see"

"The night is almost over; morning is here"

"Papa the world is so crowded, I am scared I'll get lost"

"I have walked there before you; come I'll show you the way"

"Papa, they speak ill of me; they kill me with their words"

"Come speak to me for a while; You shall soon forget them"

"Papa, the road ahead is full of valleys and mountains"

"Where a valley ends you will reach a mountain"

"Papa, I can't take a step, I'll fall down"

"My legs are firm on the rock; Come in between"

"Papa, I am all alone"

"Never! As long as I am with you"

"Papa, will you be there for me always?"

"You are my flesh and blood

I will be within you till the end of your days

Even though you won't see me always

When I am not there

Close your eyes and hear the silence of your heart

And you will hear those words that I have spoken to you

all your years"

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