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Global Warming

By: dragonboy18080 | Posted Jan 08, 2009 | General | 320 Views


Nature has always been a subject of dispute and argument among humans. We have always consumed the resources of nature according to or exceeding our needs. The major problem occurs when we arrogantly or unknowingly try to rule over the whole natural dominion regardless of what we will have to face as a consequence. In past few years mankind has seen many natural disasters that devastated the foundations of “wise” Homo sapiens. Whether it is the Hurricane blowing the coast of America or The mighty Tsunami that holds the potential of shattering the arrogance of what we thought is intelligence. The list of scars that we have ‘bestowed’ upon Mother Nature is endless, here are few though:


Scientifically it can be described as the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the physical systems or living organisms they are in. But for our unwavering technical pride, It can be described as the Axe we have been hitting our heads with for about last 500 years, and may continue to do the same as we have become slaves to our industrial needs. Now keeping the “meaningful” thing apart I would now like to describe the pollution and its consequences “traditionally”.

As mentioned above that pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment, results in instability, disorder, harm to our very health and disorder in the proper working of nature. It would not be wise to just relate pollution with the smoke coming out of our chimneys or cars. Pollution comes in various forms which varies according to its source. Pollution can also be described as the “excess of any thing in quantity that it becomes hazardous to those who once were getting benefit from it”. Like playing music in soothing manner is a different things, but when that very music becomes louder it becomes a curse to hear it and in that sense we can say that, that music is polluting the environment with noise pollution which is also a form of pollution. Now I don’t feel any need of describing the causes as these things have become the most obvious things to know about the pollution. What we need here is the solutions and most important “will” to apply them in person. Some solutions are:

USE VEHICLES AS LESS AS YOU CAN:-Every one knows that vehicles have become the most essential things in our daily lives. But we should also think and see that those who have vehicles use it more than they need. For example, covering a distance of just 1 or half km, we use motorcycles, which in real is not required. First mantra is to “USE VEHICLES AS LESS AS YOU CAN”.

DON’T BURN OR DIG NON-RECYCLABLE THINGS:- The last thing we do to our trash is to throw them or burn them. What we fail to understand here is trash is also of two types Recyclable and Non-Recyclable trash. Throwing of recyclable trash doesn’t make a big difference but throwing or burning Non-Recyclable trash does, and it does it big time! Because when we burn Non-Recyclable trash not only pollute air by mixing harmful gases into it but we also pollute land from the residue that is left after the trash is fully burnt. So, another solution is “DON’T BURN NON-RECYCLABLE TRASH”.

THIRD AND LAST THING CREATE WILLPOWER:-The small battle against pollution has become a war now with the introduction of Global Warming. So everyone known to win a war it takes a lot courage and will power than physical power. So no matter what is your age, status or gender. “YOU CAN STOP THE POLLUTION! HAVE A PLAN AND ACT ON IT.”

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